VIDEO Shanglon Mudra part II

Ngakpa Pema Rigdzin teaches Mudras
Recording from the teachings, February 5, 2022  in ZOOM



Shanglon Mudra part II

Recording from the teaching what happened on Saturday, February 5, 2022, at 7 pm in ZOOM

Pema Rigdzin teaches about mudras in the meditation practice of the Tibetan Medical protector Shanglon practice

How to make mudras

What to visualize during mudras

The teachings are based on the texts:

Terdag Lingpa “Shanglon’s Torma Offering ”

Drikung Kontchok Thrinle “A Torma offering to Shanglon and the Nine Classes of Arrogant Ones ”


Pema Rigdzin has studied Tibetan Buddhism for twenty-three years and underwent extensive Vajrayana retreats under Lama Tarthin Rinpoche. Frederico is a chaplain and acupuncturist with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy. He is the director (umdze) of Drub Nyiy Döjö Gatsal at the three-year retreat center at Pema Osel Link and Drupon (master of retreat). Frederico has undergone two three-year intensive meditation retreats.

“Effortless Effort” is a famous quote that states that meditation is more than following instructions, but is a path that leads the mind to experience a natural state.

Effortless Effort T&T is a series of talks and teachings from various masters, both modern and historical, to help us experience this state


